Building your talent ecosystem text. 2d graphic of a group of people looking at an enlarged computer screen

Building your talent ecosystem

In today’s competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is more challenging than ever. Companies need a comprehensive approach to manage their workforce effectively—a strategy that goes beyond traditional recruitment. At Troi, we understand the importance of nurturing a talent ecosystem that supports long-term growth and success. Our embedded recruitment solutions are designed to…

enterprise hiring

Recruitment as a Service (RaaS)

Recruitment as a Service (RaaS) is a modern approach to talent acquisition where recruitment services are provided on a subscription basis. This model integrates the recruitment function directly into an organisation, creating a seamless and continuous hiring process. Instead of paying per hire or engaging traditional recruitment agencies sporadically, companies subscribe to ongoing recruitment services,…

Talent acquisition in fintech with Troi's partnership with Equals Money. Discover the embedded recruitment model helped them hire at scale

Scaling Hires within Fintech: Equals Money’s RPO Partnership with Troi

Talent acquisition is more than just a process—it’s a strategic imperative. Companies like Equals Money, at the forefront of global payments technology, understand the pivotal role that top-tier talent plays in driving innovation and success. However, the challenge lies in scaling their teams efficiently while managing costs and ensuring alignment with organisational goals. This is…

Biotech talent acquisition

Utilising a RPO Service for IT/Telecom Recruitment Across the EU

Utilising a RPO Service for IT/Telecom Recruitment Across the EU In today’s interconnected global economy, businesses are continually seeking efficient and effective solutions to meet their recruitment needs, especially in the ever-evolving fields of IT and Telecom. With the demand for specialised talent constantly on the rise, organisations often encounter challenges in sourcing, attracting, and…

tech recruitment: Discover how London's tech market is experiencing a remarkable resurgence, with a surge in tech job opportunities, particularly in software development & engineering.

High-Volume Hiring with Troi’s Embedded Recruitment Solution

Within talent acquisition, high-volume hiring emerges as a crucial strategy for businesses navigating rapid expansion and heightened scalability. Organisations aspire to swiftly and efficiently build robust teams to meet the demands of hyper-growth, making high-volume hiring a transformative solution. Understanding High-Volume Hiring High-volume hiring isn’t merely about filling vacant positions; it represents a strategic initiative…

How embedded recruitment can help with US pay transparency

Scaling Your Hires with Troi’s Innovative Embedded Recruitment Solutions

Embedded Recruitment Solutions: In the fast-paced and competitive landscape of talent acquisition, businesses are continually seeking innovative solutions to scale their hires efficiently. Troi, a leading player in the field, presents a revolutionary approach to recruitment through its embedded recruitment solution. This transformative model empowers talent consultants to seamlessly integrate into your business, offering a…

Attracting and retaining global tech talent

The Surging Popularity of RPO in the European Tech Market

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) has emerged as a strategic solution for businesses across the globe, and its popularity within the European tech market is particularly noteworthy. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, the demand for skilled tech professionals has skyrocketed, leading companies to seek innovative and efficient ways to acquire top talent.…